An Open Letter to Adobe


Dear Adobe,

Why are you the way that you are?

You’re oh-so-helpful, yet oh-so-troubling.

Why are the hotkeys different from software to software? Why won’t you offer a lifetime subscription?

Adobe, I love you, but I also hate you.

My laptop is full of autosave files, yet none of the ones I need. When you crash, I pray. Did I save that? Will the progress I made be there? As I wait for the recovery windows to open, I brace myself.

Why does InDesign do that with my images? You know what I’m talking about. If I wanted it in a frame, I’d put it in a frame. And why must I highlight the text in order to change the color? Who would fill the whole text box with a color? If I wanted a block of color, I’d use the rectangle tool. Why don’t you recognize colors when I copy-paste from Illustrator? Why did my Pantone color suddenly change and now I have 9 different colors that are supposed to be one? And where is your spell check!? I’m human, not a machine like you! I make mistakes- please help me fix them before I embarrass myself (again).

Illustrator- we have a love/hate relationship. You do so much right, but so much wrong. Sometimes, you just don’t make sense. Please, let me resize my graphics without distorting them, I beg of you. What is the difference between the scissor, knife, and slice tools? The fact that I can only use the knife tool, apparently. The perspective tool hurts my brain, Adobe. I just want to put text on a wall, not have a mental breakdown. And why is it so hard to connect two separate lines to form a continuous shape? I selected two points from different lines!

XD, you have my heart in your hands, but I’m so sick of not being able to exit out of desktop preview mode by pressing the escape key. You butcher my graphics from Illustrator, and every time I use the eyedropper, I get a completely different color. But your assets panel is cool, and I can’t lie, it makes my life easier- when I actually remember to use it. Repeat grid saved my life, and your align tools are potentially the best out of all the Adobe programs, but please, let me access typeface glyphs. I need to use the fancy letter, and I can only create an outline of my text and import it from Illustrator so many times. And for the love of all that is holy, please let me link to URLs and not just artboards within my document.

After Effects, I love to hate you. Your keyframes crush my soul, and every time I forget to put a solid under all my layers before exporting to Media Encoder, my life flashes before my eyes. Every other program exports with the artboard as the background unless specified, so why must you be different? And why do I have to write actual pieces of code in order to make my object wiggle or move to the music? Please, make my life easier, not harder. I still love you, though. Kind of.

Photoshop- consider yourself spared. We go way back. I appreciate you for being quick with corrections, but sometimes, you confuse me. Out of all the Adobe programs, I can easily say I enjoy your mobile counterpart the most. Thank you for being (usually) easy and straightforward. Never change.

Adobe, Adobe, what would I do without you? Probably stress less, but isn’t that what being a designer is all about?

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